About Us
The International Coaching Community is one of the largest professional organizations for coaches around the world, with more than 12,000 coaches certified in 67 countries. ICC is a non-profit company registered in London, England, founded by Joseph O’Connor and Andrea Lages in 2001.
We are committed to developing the coaching profession at all levels through a complete training of the highest standards of quality, which includes Trainings for Life, Business, Teams and Executive Coaching.
Certified Trainers

Lars-Eric Unestahl Lars-Eric Uneståhl, Ph.D. from Uppsala University, Professor at Örebro University and the current President of the Scandinavian International University in Sweden, a private University which also provides education in Coaching, NLP, Mental Training and Self-Hypnosis. He also runs courses in Hypnosis for Medical doctors, Psychologists and Dentists.
Uneståhl has published more than hundred research articles in areas like “Alternative States of Consciousness”, “Relations Mind and Body”, “Sport Performances” etc.
He developed the “Swedish model of Mental Training” in the nineteen sixties and was at that time in close contact with Milton Erickson, Virginia Satir and Timothy Gallwey. Since then he has also contributed actively in the development of Coaching and NLP.
Founding President for the International Society for Mental Training and Excellence and has served as President for 3 World Congresses (Hypnosis and Psychosomatic Medicine 1973, Sport Psychology 1985 and Mental Training and Excellence 1981).
Council member of various international organizations, teaching at Universities in more than 20 countries, author of 17 books.
One of three Swedish ICC certified trainers in Coaching.
ELENE UNESTÅHL International Executive Coach & ICC Certified Trainer. Co-Founder of Impact Coaching Solutions
Certified Trainer in Hypnosis, Mental Training, NLP and Coaching.
One of three certified ICC trainers in Sweden.
She runs Scandinavian International University in Sweden, together with Lars Eric Unestahl.
Her mission is to bring out the Mental Training around the world. First language in this distance learning course is in English, soon Spanish and Kines.
15 years of Teaching and Private Practice with Hypnotherapy, Mental Training, NLP and Coaching and having very good results through a pro-active and solution focused way of working.
15 years’ experience of creating tailor made solutions for individuals, companies and executives needs with good results.

Part-owner in Mental Training Sweden AB.
Owner and VD in Nordic institute Of MT NLP AB.
Works with individuals with very good results
Internal assignments from public companies
Coaching of Team and Executives
Developed Leadership
Certifies International Coaches
Run trainings ( two years) in developmental hypnosis and Certifiers Hypnos Coaches.
CD serie: “Unconscious conscious”
Relaxing and freshening affirmations for downloading, for TARA magazine
Physical training aware lifestyle 20 points, Örebro University Sweden
Humour and health 5 points, Mitthög school Sweden
Sports psychology and mental training 20 points, Örebro University Sweden
Licensed Mental Trainer 40 points, Scandinavian International University Sweden
Certified Hypnotherapist at the Jane Parsson Instutute, USA
Different Hypnos courses round the world
Cognitive Psychotherapy KPT, Svealand, Sweden

CLAES UNESTÅL I studied Human Resource Management at Örebro University with a Philosophy Bachelor degree in Sociology.
I work as an Human Resource manager for a company in Örebro. My main interest is organizational development, to create effective processes that will help the organization reach its goals and live by its values. I belive that the people within the organization is our greatest resourse, and therefore the key for organizational development is to help the people within the organization to develop, and coaching is the way to do this.
Since I completed the ICC coach training in 2014 I have been using coaching in my work and in my everyday life. I have found that coaching is a very powerful tool and how by using this approach, it helps people to brake a negative state of mind and find the proper resources to reach their goals.
I will work as a trainer for the Scandinavian International University with Elene and Lars-Eric Uneståhl. My long-term ambition is to contribute for the development of coaching and to reach as many people as I can.
I also want to help different organizations to develop by using coaching as a tool.
I love to travel, to see new cultures and meet new people. My greatest personal hobby is skydiving.
ICC Membership Benefits
Lifetime Membership
Our community offers a lifetime membership that doesn’t require annual dues or renewal.
Global Networking
Contact members around the world through the exclusive social network for certified coaches.
Continuous Training
The ICC Academy offers free webinars and distance courses with international trainers.
Global Support
ICC coaches rely on a personal profile on the ICC website to refer clients to and endorse their certification.
Exclusive Benefits
ICC offers its members exclusive discounts for training programs and international events.
Reference Network
Become part of the recommendation network for ICC coaches so that clients can contact you.
Board of Directors

Joseph O'Connor
ICC Co-Founder and Global Director
Joseph O’Connor is one of the most well-known and respected coaches and coaching trainers in the world. He has taught in North and South America, Hong Kong, Singapore (where he was awarded the National Community Leadership Institute medal), New Zealand, and most European countries.

Andrea Lages
ICC Co-Founder and Global Director
Andrea Lages is an executive coach, a writer, a consultant, and one of the most respected coaching trainers in the world. She has trained coaches in over 30 countries. She is a trainer and co-creator of the Master’s in Executive Coaching at the University of Derby in England.

Alejandro Feiges
Global Director and Trainer
Alejandro was certified as an international coach in 2006 by Andrea Lages and Joseph O’Connor and is now one of the global directors of the International Coaching Community, along with Andrea Lages, Joseph O’Connor, and Alexandra Lemos. He is also specialized in ontological coaching and NLP at a Master’s level.

Sonia Colombo
Global Director and Trainer
Sonia has a Degree in psychology and a Master in industrial psychology. She has worked in human resources management for over twenty years, and is a trainer to Capacity Building Management, Leadership, Coaching, Customer Service, and Team Development, among others. She is the founder and president of the Dominican Coaching Society.
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